Fin installation is done with the highest level of accuracy at Saratoga Small Craft. We use laser technology to make sure your boat is perfectly aligned from bow to stern to make the boat track straight.

Laser fin installation of a rowing shell. The laser plumb line is aligned to follow the center line of the rowing shell from bow to stern.

This tool is a self-leveling plumb line laser. The laser plumb line is aligned to follow the center line of the rowing shell from bow to stern.

Laser fin installation of a rowing shell. For laser fin alignment the rowing shell must be leveled port to stern.

The rowing shell is leveled port to starboard.

Laser fin installation of a rowing shell. The laser is following the center line for alignment of the rowing shell fin.

The laser plumb line follows the rowing shell center line from bow to stern.

The laser line crossing the fin for laser alignment of a rowing shell fin.

The laser plumb line will cross the rowing shell fin, indicating fin alignment.